Probiotic Cacao Bites

Posted by Sweet Belly on

Looking for a quick pre-workout snack? Make these PROBIOTIC CACAO BITES! This recipe is a great way to add in collagen and protein powders. 

Probiotic Cacao Bites

- 6 medjool dates .
- 2.5 tbsp flax seed meal .
- 1.5 tbsp agave (liquid sweetener of choice) .
- 1 c gluten free rolled oats .
- shy 1/4 c probiotic cacao powder (used @lakantosweetener ) .
- 2 tbsp cacao nibs .
- 1 tbsp of protein or collagen powder (optional) .
- sesame seeds, for garnish (optional) .

How to:
1. Blend all ingredients together, except cacao nibs .
2. Manually stir in cacao nibs and roll into balls using palm of your hand .
3. Roll in sesame seeds and store in freezer. Enjoy! .

• consistency should be like a sticky sand. If too dry, add more liquid sweetener. If too wet, add oats a tablespoon at a time until ‘dough’ sticks together when rolling into balls.

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