
Our Recipe for Staying Healthy During Quarantine

Posted by Sweet Belly on

Our Recipe for Staying Healthy During Quarantine

Here's a general rule of thumb if you’ve struggled with making healthy choices during quarantine; choose nutrient dense foods. This encompasses all the foods sourced from the earth. Sometimes it's best to listen to your cravings and gravitate towards these options. Fresh produce such as fruits and veggies, root vegetables and herbs keep it exciting and before you know it, your taste buds change. Whole foods are perfectly packaged with the right calories/fats/carbs/fiber/protein. Nature made it simple and if there’s anything certain about this pandemic -- it’s that sustainability is what we want. Be on the look out for:  High Fiber...

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What are Empty Calories?

Posted by Sweet Belly on

What are Empty Calories?

Have you ever heard someone talk about 'empty calories.' It's a controversial topic in the nutrition world because some people suggest that so long as you are in calorie deficit, you will lose weight. That's true. But you won't look and feel your best. Why? You're not feeding your body the proper nutrition it needs to function at its best.  Put it this way, if you compare your body to a fancy, new car. You want to make sure you use the right washing fluid for the interior, the leather seats you'd probably use a different product and for the...

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Why eat a mostly plant-based diet?

Posted by Nikki Elisheva on

  Everyone talks about eating a plant-based diet so what's the big deal? The bottom line to diet theories is the healthiest approach is the one that makes you feel and look your best, long-term. Still the health benefits with eating a plant based diet are great and answered below.     1. First of all what is a plant-based diet? This means eating foods that come from the earth: PLANTS, including vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans, grains, etc. Mostly plant-based includes eating few or no animal products.    2. Are you vegan?  No because it’s not how I feel my best. I grew up eating local-sourced meats and I feel better when...

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Why choose matcha over coffee?

Posted by Sweet Belly on

Why choose matcha over coffee?

  MATCHA. What’s all the craze? Matcha, also calledgreen teais a powerful anti-aging powder, that is loaded with antioxidants to keep you glowing and gives you just the right amount of caffeine to get you started, without that terrible afternoon crash. For the last year, I haven’t touched a coffee (big deal). I’ve grown to love the feeling that I have with matcha more than anything else. You see, I used to be a die-hard coffee lover. Every morning on my way to work or class, I made sure to pick up my favorite (cliché) skinny, vanilla latte from Starbucks...

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